it is a allows a group of people to collaboratively develop a Web site with other markup languages. anyone can add or edit pages in a Wiki or create new Wiki pages simply by creating a new link with the name of the page. Sounds the same with setting-up 'blogger' and sharing information about the profession?

book lovers Wiki-it is look like a 'book club' or 'book review' free to review or talk reading experience , sharing comments and getting users to post about their favorite books, become more actively involved in the library's online presence!
For library with a Wiki-
The Library Instruction Wiki was designed to help librarians learn from one another.feel free to create collaborative spaces to brainstorm or develop a project, conference presentation. it belongs to the community of librarian.
i have feeling 'Wiki' is like an alive library everyday can see new topics, categories and a lot of someones experiences. is it exciting?